Territory to Discover

For most people visiting Puglia, Brindisi is simply an arrival and departure point, as it hosts one of Puglia's two main airports. But if you're staying in the area or looking for somewhere to spend a few hours before catching your flight home, Brindisi is worth a visit. The splendid location is in fact a concentration of history, art, traditions and nature.
In Puglia every village represents an unmissable place. The cities of the region are a concentration of beauty and history. The artistic value of the Apulian locations shines through as soon as you arrive in its splendid places. The landscapes that can be admired are ideal for those who want to take a trip full of beauty and relaxation.



Carovigno, or rather the "city of nzegna", so called because during the Easter period there is the tradition of "Nzegna", which features 2 flag-wavers who wave the flags. Thousands of people come from every country to follow this exciting tradition. Carovigno stands on a hill, at the top there is the imposing Dentice di Frasso Castle which dates back to the 12th century. It is a destination for many tourists enchanted by its majesty. It is a type of late medieval fortification with a triangular layout with towers at the top. The rooms on the ground floor and the corresponding underground ones have kept the original structure unchanged. In addition to the castle there are countless churches to visit. On the outskirts there is the famous sanctuary of Belvedere, known for its traditions and its cave, which preserves religious frescoes.



The old city of Ostuni, on the last offshoots of the Southern Murgia, is an authentic jewel with an unmistakable charm due to the picturesque color of its town, painted strictly white. Its peculiar characteristics have given rise to fairy-tale epithets such as: White City, Queen of Olives, Nativity Scene. The housing units, very small and often on the ground floor, dug into the rock, are connected to other houses by arches and semi-arches which act as buttresses and support for the characteristic structure of the ground. On the top of the mountain stands the cathedral, a wonderful synthesis of Romanesque, Gothic and Venetian elements, from there you can admire a panorama of incomparable beauty. In addition to the Cathedral, there are countless churches hidden in the tangle of streets and alleys.

Torre Guaceto


The name Guaceto derives from the Arabic “Al Gawsit” which means place of fresh water. The protected marine area and the state nature reserve contain a precious stretch of uncontaminated coast. The reserve extends for approximately 1100 hours on land and 2200 hours at sea, preserving a stretch of coastline approximately 8 km long. The last construction built by man on these coasts was the ancient tower of Guaceto, built in 1450 by the Aragonese, as a military outpost. Inside the reserve you can practice activities such as trekking, cycle trekking, excursions and sea watching.



Definitely the most evocative and magical town in the region, where tourists can admire the beauty of the trulli. Alberobello is in fact the "Capital of Trulli", and the historic center is declared a national monument. Slowly entering the various pedestrian paths, you will discover the kingdom of typical buildings, with their typical gray stone dome and the always perfectly whitewashed facade. The dome is made up of "chiancarelle", thin layers of limestone rock, formed like slabs used as bricks for over a millennium. At the top of the dome stands a stone pinnacle holding a marble ball.

Castellana Grotte


Its notoriety is due to the largest speleological complex in Italy discovered in January 1938. It is one of the main tourist destinations in Puglia. The caves are a set of underground karst cavities and long tunnels that branch out for 3 km, up to a depth of 71 metres. You are enchanted by the quantity of stalagmites and stalactites present inside the caves: you can admire lunar scenarios with a thousand reflections and fun natural sculptural complexes such as those of the "Black Grotto", the "Cavernone dei Monumenti", the "Cavernetta del Presepe "and the beautiful "White Cave".

Zoo Safari


Fasanolandia is the amusement park attached to the Zoosafari. Every year this park is enriched with new attractions, often exclusive to central-southern Italy. Over 20 great attractions, from the quietest to the most daring, to the delight of adults and children, with variety shows, 4 bars, a multipurpose theatre, 2 restaurants, a self-service and a picnic area, with over 4000 seats. The Zoosafari is the largest wildlife park in Italy, and boasts over 200 different species. It extends over an area of over 140 hours of land, mostly Mediterranean scrub. The park was born on 25 July 1973, developing and expanding from year to year and hosting living animals from the 5 continents in this naturalistic paradise. In this park the animals live in absolute freedom, without bars or barriers, and therefore it is possible to admire them, photograph them, film them in an almost natural environment.